Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hey yall!!

That title up there, yeah that's me wrapped up in a nutshell.  Why am I such a procrastinator?  I wait until the last minute to do EVERYTHING.  And that's only if I remember to do it.  But I am getting better.  And I can only attribute that to nagging myself about not being a procrastinator and trying to prove my silly friends wrong.  With that being said (I say "with that being said" way too much) I wanted to post a little about my beautiful babies.  No they are not babies anymore but they will always be my babies.  Aubrey is 7 and started 2nd grand and Khloe is 5 and started kindergarten.  They started school last month and I am finally blogging about their first day.  They couldn't be more different but I love their personalities and how they are work my nerves at every possible opportunity.  Here are a few pictures of their first day. 

They look like they love each other here, lol....

They were so excited about their backpacks and lunchboxes.  Khloe is in love with 1 Direction.  And Aubrey is really growing up because she didn't want a character book bag.